5 Quotes & Sayings By Louise Nurding

Louise Nurding is a highly sought-after professional speaker, author, and consultant. She is the coauthor of six books for Quarry Books, including several on writing and publishing. Louise's first novel, The Heart of the Touch Woods, was published by St. Martin's Press.

I love Spanish cities, particularly Barcelona, Madrid and Palma, which has the most amazing cathedral that I once went to for a wedding. Louise Nurding
Being in the pop group Eternal gave me the most wonderful opportunity to travel the world, and I have visited some spectacular countries. Louise Nurding
I wish I was told to look after my teeth when I was younger. My smile is really important to me and one of my biggest assets, so I'm very conscious that I need to keep it in top condition. Louise Nurding
Growing up, I was never the kind of girl to dream about wedding dresses and pretty houses. Louise Nurding